Monday, October 17, 2016

Blog #3 Social Media

The Case for Social Media in Schools

It seems to me that one of the main issues of social media is the safety concerns. There are reasons to be concerned with the cyber world, whether it be fraud or sexual crimes. Part of it is teaching our students and children about them and educating them on the correct ways to use social media and technology. I believe that with the proper education, our students should be able to utilize the technologies of today and tomorrow to further their education. This also includes social media. There are plenty of safe tools to use.
Social media can provide students opportunities to connect with others and grow. Why should we limit the capabilities of our students? Let them venture out and expand. Using social media such as blogging can help students relate to others in ways they never thought they could. This also gives them practice with writing, something that I think a lot of students need help with. Taking pictures and posting them to your social media for others to see what you are doing can connect you with others that share the same interests. Allow students to network and make connections, because otherwise, they may sit in class and never learn anything about one another.

What about cell phones in physical education?
  • I believe that cell phones can still be used in physical education, because of numerous apps available for fitness. Using cell phones to record steps or keep track of workouts are both really easy ways to incorporate cell phones.
How can social media help in physical education?
  • I think that using social media to connect with students in physical education could be very motivating. Using Instagram or Twitter to take a picture when you are out on a hike or camping and posting it for others to see can be very positive. Others will see it and want to do that too. It could even connect students who have similar interests, but wouldn’t know it because they don’t sit near each other in class.


  1. I see the point on the dangers of using social media as an educational tool. It can be very risky when you let the students take control of thing such as public or private social media groups! I see this point very clearly.


  2. I see the point on the dangers of using social media as an educational tool. It can be very risky when you let the students take control of thing such as public or private social media groups! I see this point very clearly.


  3. I agree with you with letting are students venture out and expand but I do think that this should be a optional thing not mandatory.

  4. Definitely agree with the importance of making connections. A lot of times, communication is more important than anything else and social media can help with that.
