Monday, October 10, 2016

Blog #2

  • For the affinity group, I joined PECentral. This is a site designed by Physical Education teachers, for Physical Education teachers. The great thing about this group is that anyone can access is and find out more information about physical education. Teachers can upload ideas for lessons as well as search for new ideas on how to teach a certain activity. There is so much information including articles on new trends in physical education. I have been using this site for a few years now and recommend it to anyone interested in teaching a physical education lesson, or learning more about the content area.
    • Why did I choose this group?
      • I chose this group because looking through the list of affinity groups, I didn’t find one focused on physical education. I decided to use a group that I am familiar with and have been using for some time now.
  • My Digg Stream consists of several sites that I frequent regularly. At the top are New York Times and BBC News. When it comes to the news, I have a difficult time following because of the different viewpoints that the media tries to get you to focus on. I like to get a few different point of views, including one from outside the US. The BBC News also gives me better access to what is happening in the world. I have TEDTalks and NPR Education on my reader as well so I can stay up to date on various topics within the education system. I also included a few that align with my hobbies: Pittsburgh Penguins, Hike Bike Travel, and Bon Appetit.
    • How can I use this in the classroom?
      • I feel that I can get my students to become more interested in the news by just skimming the headlines until they find something that they are interested in. This will also help them realize that the news is important! I can also give them a topic and have them find an article pertaining to that topic to learn more about it.

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