Thursday, December 1, 2016

Blog 7 - Professional Learning Network

I felt that I had a positive experience with all the different professional learning networks that I tried. The DIGG reader was a great experience because I could select the areas of interest to me to show up in my feed and just read those. Normally, I would have to spend some time to get through all the headlines to find the ones that interest me. I could narrow down the information into a much smaller list. I can definitely see how the DIGG reader would be useful in education, and I plan on using it. Twitter is likely the most useful in my classroom. I can have students utilize it to take polls on what activities they would like to participate in, or give feedback about the activity from that day. Students could also see what others are doing and connect through common interests. The students would need to be warned about the negative aspects of social media. An issue that I can see coming up is that not every student will have access to the technology required to use twitter. A lot of students have smart phones, but there are some that cannot afford them. If their parents have them, then that is an option. The use of school computers could also be another option. 

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